Monday, July 28, 2008


After a long day at the beach, I could hear Jack and **Oogah** chanting..."are we not men....YES WE ARE!!" on the walk home. Too funny.

This is Jack after a long day at the beach. You always know when Jack is sleepy when his tounge hangs out of his mouth. And he sits still.

Seriously. This is how the man drives. eeekkk.

Notice that Oogah is LOOKING at Riley. That is why Jack's foot is in her face. jack thinks Oogah is HIS EXCLUSIVE friend. Not Riley's.

And Jack thinks such things because Oogah lets him sit in the front seat while all the other adults sit in the back. Oogah makes Jack feel like a prince.

Everyone needs an Oogah.

**name changed so grandpas don't get jealous.**


Bloggy Mama said...

Such a prince.. awesome!

Autryville said...

I love that Jack and Oogah love each other so much! Now, will that love continue now that little Henry is here? I bet it will...

just4ofus said...

so cute!