Monday, August 25, 2008

Cool Cousins

I found these pictures this weekend and had to post them. This is my sister's kids with Jack (minus baby Luke and riley) in 2006 and then a few weeks ago at the park.

These kids have been the best of friends/worst of foes (depends on who needs a nap that day) through their lives. Jolie and I were just saying yesterday that they treat each other like siblings. As far as I am concerned this is a good thing. Jack and Riley are so blessed to have such close cousins, I am sure he would call them his best friends, and even Riley names her stuffed animal and babies after them. I hope they are friends forever!

2006 (Atlanta, Ga)

2008 (Loveland, Oh)

1 comment:

Autryville said...

Oh, those are precious!! Erin and Lauren are such ladies. I miss that house!!!