Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wii Cool!

After we stuffed ourselves on Thanksgiving, we decided to go work off some calories...noooo, not out for a walk (like in the olden days)we wanted to play with the WII! But before I could play a leisurely game of tennis with my husband, I watched my wee little one kick his big cousin's you-know-hoo-hoo.
Jack is the great "Air Boxer." He gets out of bed in the morning karate chopping the air and air punching my bootie every time I walk by him. Then apologizes profusely because he has hisdaddy's coordination and hits me squarely every time.

Look at the little guy. He's got no chance against the video game master of the cousin-hood. Jack has a Leapster. Big Cousin has the WII on a daily basis. NOT EVEN A FAIR GAME, right?

Uh,oh. The taunting has begun.The mouse is teasing the Lion...

Ahhhh...Sweet victory! He is hoisted to his victorious celebration by his girls...(the lion's little sisters...)


Bloggy Mama said...

Cutie. We haven't got a Wii. I know that they are a big hit, though. I hear about them from my students all the time!

Autryville said...

Oh, man, I know how it feels to beat one of the professional gamers. It's awesome! Way to go, Jack!!!

Prue said...

I presume it was too cold to go out for a walk?! ; )

just4ofus said...

now Jack can come over and Lily and him can wii box eachother!!