Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gingerbread Houses are Dumb

Here is the innocent enough looking kit. Daddy was at school for the evening, so I thought the kids and I could kill some time.You know, the dreaded dinnertime-to bedtime-we-are-bored-what-are-we-gonna-do-all-evening-time. So we got the kit out and started. Looks easy enough, right? Here we have a good start. Looks sturdy.
NOT! Moments later, we had a total structural failure, and 2 kids devastated because (as Jack put it with his hands dramatically flung to his brow) "our house is just destroyed....waaaaahhhhhhhhh"

So after consoling the little ones who caused the collapse in the first place, we decided to take another approach.
Each kid got a piece of the house and a ginger-person to decorate. I covered them with the icing that was SUPPOSED to keep the house together, and they decorated them.

Well, Jack decorated.
Riley just licked what I stuck on.

Finished products:

And everyone was happy enough, But next year we are doing sugar cookies.


Anonymous said...

Gingerbread PERSON?!?
I REFUSE to accept political correctness specifically related to gingerbread! Besides, both works of art were
Gingerbread MEN! You can tell. So there!

mollie said...

Uh...Riley's CLEARLY has an icing-dress on.

Christiana said...

Looks like they still had fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Uhhh then Riley's, ummm, errr, uh needs some counciling...

Bloggy Mama said...

It looks deeeelicious!

Damselfly said...

All's well that ends well!

I'm pretty sure I could never make a gingerbread house....

Anonymous said...

Than goodness I am not the only one! Tom, Elijah, Mara and I tried making a gingerbread house last year. The same thing happened....the dang thing fell apart. We just weren't clever enough to think of your idea....we threw the whole thing away.

just4ofus said...

yeah, stick with the cookies. then no tears!

Prue said...

The trick, apparently, is to put the icing on the wall joins, put them together, stick pins in (with big glass heads on so you can find them to remove them) to hold the walls together long enough to glue together - 10-15 minutes - then remove the pins and keep going.