Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I LOVE LOVE LOVE snow. Most people hate it, hate driving in it, hate the inconvenience of it. I LOVE it. (did I say that yet?) I love how pretty it is, the eerie quiet of walking in a fresh snowfall (especially at night), driving in snow and sliding around, I just really like snowy days. We have not been hit with a big one yet this winter, but we got a few inches a few weeks ago.
So here is my first "snow shot" with my new camera. I am a total dork. A nature shot. From me. But I'm tellin' ya my camera is addictive. I really do want to take pictures. Of EVERYTHING!!!

My Snow Bunny. Funny how the snow makes her eyes even Blue-er. (more blue?) My own personal Photoshop.

Jack's creepy cross eyes...

Trying to climb the ladder, but her snowpants would only allow slight flexion of the knees, so she was stuck on the bottom step. Hey, I had a new camera in the snow. My hands were full!

He is really good at snow angels. I guess the key is to not have fat thighs...HAHA

Our next mission is to build a fort like this:


Hope you have a great (snow) day...and here's hoping for the big one!

(and Since I am computer illiterate, can one of you blogger people tell me hoe to insert a link?????)


Christiana said...


It's on the top of your new post when you're writing it...the icon is a green earth with a chain link above it.

Lo said...

to insert a link? like... to say, so-and-so's name and then the name itself is the link?

woah. was that english?

you do html. if i'm understanding correctly. So and So

er, if i'm NOT right, then... hapy (snow) day? :)

Lo said...

shoot!! it actually DID the html in the comment. so. if i put ( ) it really means < >. k?

so, you just simply write (a href="www.soandso.com") so and so (/a) but

remember to replace the parentheses with brackets. k? ( ) = <>

Bloggy Mama said...

YAy for a snow day!!! Go spray coloured water on it!

Prue said...

That's just a whole different world to the one I live in!