Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sorry in advance

I may not be a very good blogger for the next week or two. Being the best husband in the world, he TOTALLY ignored our $$ limit for Christmas, and he got me this...
(thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you times a million, Steve!!)

Therefore, I will be spending all of my spare time reading this...

I'll be back soon...hopefully with some puuurty pictures!


Christiana said...

Nice. Can't wait to see them. :)

Bloggy Mama said...

You're a lucky girl... not just for the camera, I think ;)
Yay for a new NIKON family member ;) *grin*

Damselfly said...

Wow, what a great gift! You show that camera who's boss! ;)

Prue said...

Mollie, re your comment, tell Jack that in Bindi's country (well, in Sydney anyway) today it was over 100 degrees, and tomorrow it will be hotter. Phew! Enjoy the cold!