She somehow has become Mrs. Prissypants...still trying to figure out how.She picks thru my jewelry every day, so I told her we would go get her ears pierced, then she could have her OWN stuff. Well, her moral support (her 5 year old fave cousin...)backed out at the last minute, but she was already in the chair and the gals had their (ear) guns cocked, so as she started to cry, they looked at me and I told them to DO IT NOW! She cried and screeched a little, but got over it pretty quickly. She is a trooper. It's all good when you get a lollipop at the end!
In other news...
I am still working only 2 days a week.(thank the Lord!) Since we have moved an hour away from my job I have not found (um..or looked for) another. I have an easy schedule, a great boss and a lot of great friends there. The hour drive is nice and quiet. No kid music, no kid chatter and I can geek out to talk radio, or catch up on phone calls. That's good times, as far as I am concerned.
Anyway, we have had 2 "major" snowfalls (read: over 5 inches of snow and people forget how to drive and the region COMPLETELY shuts down)
Somehow, working 2 days a week, I have hit both snowstorms on work days. Last week I was stranded in Cincy. Ok, well I couldn't drive home, but made over the river and thru the woods to one of my best pals house. So, it wasn't so bad for me. We hung out, watched TV, I slept late(ish)heeheehee...(thank you amie)
Anyway, after I had been gone for 2 days, I finally got home and my darling hubby already had the kids to bed. I went to kiss Jack and he snorted something to me about pancakes and sleeping late and telling me a new joke...
Then I went to Riley's room and she shot straight up in bed and exclaimed, "Mommy you home!!!"
I snuggled her up in my arms and got the best hug EVER! We were rocking in her chair and she was looking adoringly up at my face. You ever get that feeling like your heart will burst because you are so in love with your kids? That's how I felt. Then she put her sweet little hand on my cheek and said...
"ewwww, Mommy. You got boogers up in your nose."
Nice. Thanks for ruining my moment.
Love you, too.
I almost got teary eyed reading about when you got home from work. Damn those mommy hormones :)
I love Riley's earrings!!
Love those stories. Love em!
Okay, you must have the funniest kids ever. I am cracking up right now at Riley...too cute! Please tell her that she looks absolutely gorgeous in her new earrings!
Great job Steve getting the kid's to bed!
What a brave girl! Reminds me of getting my ears pierced at 7. Then again at 17. And 27. And ... nevermind .... Just one hole in each ear now, that's all I can keep up with anyway!
It's fun to hear you say Cincy because I have a friend from there who calls it that!
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