Our house was the model home in the 'hood, so when we bought it, it looked great from the front, but the backyard was a mess. So lumpy and bumpy, you could hardly walk around it without twisting an ankle. So Steve decided to remedy this problem. We had done the same thing at the old house. He pushed a roller thingy over the yard and flattened it out. Well, when you live in the country all the tools are bigger, apparently. Imagine Jack's excitement when this pulled up out front.He decided to do a quick safety check. Inspecting the equipment

Giving orders. An expert, apparently. He can't help it. Know-it-all-ness is in his bloodline. hee hee hee...

It was KILLING him to have to standby and watch. Steve wanted to get used to it for a few laps before turning Jack loose with it.

Aaaahhhh...must be a boy thing. Heavy equipment and/or machinery=happiness.

Looks like the big boy is happy, too. And that makes me happy.
So cute!!! Your men are so handsome, together.
Jack told me he did drive it. Hmmmmmm....
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