Thankfully we have been the recipients of many hand me downs and someone just gave us a new stash of clothes which included a bunch of tank tops. Unfortunately, Jack looooves the tank tops. He got home last week and Dad was cutting the grass...I mean weeds, so he went to change.
Well done, Jack. Who DOESN'T wear this getup while working in the yard? Cowboy boots, running pants and a tank top.
I kinda feel bad making fun.
The greatest thing is that he has no clue.I love that sweet innocence and I dread the day that he becomes self conscious.
And I hope he doesn't read my blog :)
I must give a shout out to Scott's Lawn Service
For our $65 a month, we thank you for the fastest growing weeds in the 'hood!
Erp. Gotta let you kids enjoy dressing themselves... love it!
He could totally be on the fashion police pages of US Weekly...but I'm pretty sure the cowboy boots are in style :)
I'm surprised he wears a uniform to school - surely that sort of thing is quite unusual in America? Your dumb Australian friend. funny. I love your outfit Jack. If it makes you feel any better. Elijah dressed himself late last fall, and went to Lowes with Tom. He had navy blue running shorts (really baggy), black under armour tank top (extremely tight) and cowboy boots. A friend of mine saw them....he came home and said "Mommy, Amy laughed at me". He soooo didn't get it. Oh well....I think it's cute!
awwww. wife beaters are fun!
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