Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gone Fishin'

We recently discovered a small fishing pond in the back of the 'hood. apparently it is stocked full of fish, so we decided to take the kids out and try our luck.
Jack got a hand me down Spiderman fishing pole from his cousin, Daniel. He was so excited to use it.

Of course Miss "MEEEE DO IT TOOO" had to try as well. All she wanted to do was whack the pole on the water, throw rocks into the water and pick up duck poop so I decided to take her home and give the boys some peace.

Searching for duck poop and rocks. EW.

Finally Jack caught "The Big One"! Well, to him it was the big one. It was a litle bass that had to go back in, but it was exciting none the less!


just4ofus said...

Fun. See Jude is the one that leaves the fishing pond and Lily is the one fishing. She will touch the fish, and be patient.
Jude wants nothing to do with it.
For real.

mollie said...

you see he isnt actually TOUCHING it. Riley however would have brought it home.

Autryville said...

Move to Xenia and you become country folks. Ben is totally jealous.