There was a parade in town this weekend and Jack got to ride in the fire chief's car with Daddy. So cool. He was over the moon. (Thank you Jeff for letting him put his dirty little paws all over your windows!) And thank you Daddy for making me be the "unfun" parent.
And here is the poor kid who got stuck watching the parade with (no-fun) Mommy.
At least she got some candy.
Her face is hilarious. Why is it that dads always get to be the fun ones?! :)
Oh, Riley would never make that face unless told to...she's too sweet!!:)
Mitch ALWAYS gets to do the fun stuff. I have to make them do school and kids are not going to look back on their childhood and think, "wow--mom was so much fun!"
Oh well, if daddies were in charge, then it would be fun all the time and nobody would get fed or have clean clothes!
I wonder where Riley gets that attitude? HMMMMMMMMMMMm.
It's a mystery.
Awww! She is too cute!! Poor baby! :)
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