So I threw on a t-shirt and shorts and ran outside in a panic. I was expecting the worst. There is a bike path that runs against the back of the yard, and I was sure someone was out there having a heart attack. Riley was in bed napping, so I knew she was OK, but I wasn't sure what I would find.
Well, here was our emergency.
A combine in the backyard. Well, not really IN the backyard, but whoa-ho... it was close enough. Not just a combine, but a JOHN DEERE!
So after I got over my own adrenaline rush (and non-emergency) I took a few photos of Forrest Gump...I mean Jack...hanging out on the swing set in a trance watching the dust fly. And here is where I am a total dork, and incompetent Mother. Jack asked me what was being harvested. first of all, I am not sure that I even knew that a combine harvests things, and I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what has been growing in the field behind us all summer. I KNOW it wasn't corn. Other than I'm stumped.
So here is how he spent the rest of the afternoon. who needs babysitters? Just move out to the country and your boys will be entertained all afternoon!
Thomas would have totally sat with Jack all afternoon...just watching :)
How cool was that? I know he scared the bejeebies out of you, but the story sure was cute! I can't believe how big Jack is.....what a handsome young man. is the update. apparently Mr. Brooklyn, NY (aka Dad) is now a crop expert and those would be beans. Just in cast you were wondering.
that must have been boarding school that teached steve about them that there crops.
see and you thought xenia was going to be boring: )
what's that sound I hear?! Is that my b s alarm?? "that would be beans, MOLLIE" Haaaahaaa! I can just hear him say it in his non-chalant "Duh Mollie" way cause Stevie is a bean harvester from wayyyyyyy back!
Actually, we DID have combines in boarding school in RURAL NJ so THERE Mollie! Humph!
I loved your posting! M'boy Jack is, once again, all over it and monitoring neighborhood conditions, details and activities. Miss u guys, cold & rainy in Seattle.. their normal weather. Cya soon, xoxo to all, even Stevie "Beans" P !
That's adorable! It's funny how all the grandson's have a little of their Papaw Nick in them, huh? And ok, Steve, whatever. Looked to me like a bunch of weeds...:)
Hey've been tagged! Post 7 random things about yourself, and then tag 7 friends. :)
He could come to my house and play with bears and worms ;)
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