Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Squabbly Clothes

Jack and I always have the deepest conversations.

Jack: Mom, are "squabbling clothes" nice clothes or play clothes?
Me: Huh? What are "squabbling clothes"?
Jack: Sigh...you REALLY should know this, Mommy. Maybe you should ask the preacher.
Me: What?!? Where did YOU her about "squabbling clothes"?
Jack: Sigh...(again) Mom, you KNOW. Jesus had to wear "squabbling clothes" when he was a baby in the manger.
Me: That would be SWADDLING clothes.
Jack: Oh, yeah. That's what I meant.


Anonymous said...

hahah, love it!

Christiana said...

too funny! ;)

Bloggy Mama said...

I think my kids have squabbling clothes ;)

Prue said...

That's so cute. We had confusion about baby cheeses/Jesus briefly in our house.

Jennifer said...

Ha! Sounds like something my son would say!

Anonymous said...

Could Jack get any cuter......that was a cute story....I am still chuckling!