Well my Grandma (undeterred by her complete blindness) wanted to do it again. So we reserved the activity center on the campus and had doughnut night there.
Here she is playing the piano with Riley. Grandma Lois has a wonderful musical gift (that somehow I missed out on) She is totally blind but can sit down and play just about anything you ask. It's pretty amazing. I wish SHE could see how Riley looks at her when she plays the piano.
Grandma Lois made the dough, and my Mom, my other Grandma (Belle...who is pretty amazing herself) and our forever family friend, Jean. They were stuck in the kitchen frying all those doughnuts.
The babies love Papa Nick.
Baby Luke
Riley Belle and her Papa...(and she thinks he is HER papaw.Exclusively.)
This little activity center must be used for some senior citizen exercise classes. The kids made a HUGE discovery in the equipment closet.
Here they are UNDER the parachute!
And I couldn't leave out the picture of my 80 something grandpa who has had 6 hip replacements/revisions, by the way, playing parachute with the kids.
And how great would it be to be 10 years old, twirling around the room without a care in the world? You go, girl :)
And during all this excitement, I forgot to take any doughnut pictures. DUH.
But what a great time. The kids will remember that parachute forever. And maybe even a doughnut.
So, anyway this is how we roll on a big Friday night out :)
What about you?
Love the pictures! Sounds like a great night. :)
I wanted to see the doughnuts! They were completely organic and fat-free weren't they? ; )
aw the photo of the two lovelies playing the piano had me tearing up!!!! i think she knows the love Riley has for her- you don't need to see to know love. as for the parachute- MY FAV THING when i was in gradeschool. so. jealous!!!!
Great post...and some GREAT memories for each generation.
That is so cute.
your family is awesome.
i bet when Steve read this he had a tear in his eye..
: )
I'm so glad you posted about this! It was fun! And the pictures of Riley and grandma...I always cry about things like that b/c I would give just about anything for her to see all of her great-grands. Off to get a tissue!
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