So we are cruising thru "the Walmarts" and Jack hugs me and lays his head on my hip.
Jack: "mama, I love you."
Me: How come? (because this is such a random statement in Walmart, where the usual conversation is all about 'can I get', 'will you buy me' etc...
Jack: Because, Mom! (sniffs deeeeeply my jeans pockets) "you smell gooood. just like Hot dogs"
****In my defense, or my grossness in this case, I made dinner the night before and used a LOT of garlic and must have wiped my hands on my pants a lot. Then wore the same pants to Walmart the next day. hahaha. As a rule, I don't wear dirty clothes(usually) nor do I smell like hot dogs (I hope)*****
So we continue to cruise thru the store where Jack keeps hugging on me and patting me on the bottom. I kept thinking to myself how great is is to have a boy who is so sweet and outwardly affectionate to his Mama.
So when we got home an hour later and discovered the 45 stickers thet the "welcome to Walmart lady" gave him ALL STUCK TO MY BUTT...I realized why he was such a darling at walmart.
And then there is my sweet baby girl.
Riley: Mama, you have baaad boo-boos.
Me: Where, honey?
Riley: (pointing to the lines in my forehead that I WILL apparently be Botoxing)
"you gots big cuts in yer head." pointing to my cavernous wrinkles.
She tossed me under the old ugly bus!
Feel the Love. I know I do!
HAHAHAAAAAAA! Oh, that is funny!!! Are you sure those aren't MY kids? Cause mine would totally do the same thing.
Now I understand why everytime I hear the Oscar Meyer song....I think of you.....
ROTFLOL!!!!! Thanks for making my day. :)
They are just precious. Love ya!
Oh my goodness, I am laughing my a*& off over here. Jack is such a funny kid! That was awesome.....and BTW, Riley is gorgeous (and funny too).
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