Then came his sister.
Girlfriend lately cries at the drop of a hat.
Here are my current excuses.
4 molars all coming in at once.
Napping at will-don't kid yourself-she is in her bed for 2 hours each afternoon, but she TRIES to stay awake just to torment me over the monitor. (YES..I still have a monitor in her room...just in case she is choking on lego's that she stole from her bro's stash or hanging from the blinds, or jumping in and out of bed...or a million other things that could happen...)
Fighting a cold/allergies/big brother's school funk,
The sun not being properly aligned with the earth
Elmo talking about something that doesn't suit her....
OK, so the list(i.e. my excuses) is endless.
She is not a happy camper of late and I am PRAYING she will grow out of it soon.
The princess on her throne. It is a beat-down-juice-stained-stinky firetruck-themed chair that once belonged to Jack, but he finally got tired of this...
and here she is politely asking for assistance on to her swing. (after announcing that she will not "ride dat baby swing")
And I just have to throw this one in. Who Doesn't crimp their tongue? ALL the 2 year olds are doin' it!
Love you, Baby Girl. You are your Mama's daughter, fer shur!
Miss you guys! Esp. the terrible 2 and mini-heart race runner :) I just can't wait for Henry to reach that age...scratch that. I can totally wait!!
Awwwww.... hehe. What I have to look forward to, perhaps?
Poor girl....but she couldn't get any cuter!
We're getting there too. And her big brother was also much more a trouble at 3... perhaps that was because we started toilet training, which went on for 13 long months though...
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