Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How NOT to land a boyfriend...

Riley: "Oh, Henry!! You come here often?
Henry: (thinking) "Bleh...Girls are so silly. I only have eyes for Mommy..."

Riley: "you wanna see my belly?"
Henry: (thinking) "she's so wierd. Where IS my Mommy?"

Jack: "RILEY! Put your dress down!"
Henry: "Mommmmmmmmmmy!!"

...and Jack is BUSTED for pinching...

Jack: "ugh...sisters..."
Riley: "Boys are so fuuuun!"
Henry: "Seriously. When is this nonsense gonna be over?"


Autryville said...

That's HILARIOUS! You are so funny and so good at capturing the moment, what with that fancy-dan camera of yurs...:)

That was great!

Amy said...

hahhahah, so funny! He loves his Riley!! Can't wait to see what it looks like next year :) I agree with your sister- great pictures.

Bloggy Mama said...

heh Cute.

Ooogah said...

That was outstanding!! AND, I learned a brand new word today:
That will now become "the secret word"...
Let's try it Mollie, shall we?
Heh-heh (thanks PW)

Holly said...


just4ofus said...

those are HILARIOUS.. especially the piching pic...

just4ofus said...

oh yeah.. and you too now have a Paris.. put your dress down Paris.. :)