When Steve and I first married, we loved spoiling out nieces and nephews and we are amazed at how fast the clan has multiplied...CRAZY!
Recently we had a weekend full of cousin time and here is a glimpse into the madness!
"baby" Luke the youngest and most...um...vocal...cousin...Sweetest face EVER!!!! (God made babies cute for a reason:)
Jack and Daniel... Thank Goodness for Daniel and his Mama passing down those clothes. He is the fastest growing kid in the universe so we totally SCORED in the hand-me-down department!
Riley and "E" pondering the state of he union. Or the state of the onion. Or nothing at all, cuz that's how they roll.....
And here is Jack and E...
She's still thinking....why do I have a feeling Erin will be coordinating sit-ins in college?
Well, hey! Here is a good idea! Let's pull the midgets (sorry little people) around in the yard on a blanket. I do believe that was the idea of Miss "Sit in" ha ha
FUN! They had a great ride! And I had MAJOR grass stains in my quilt.
Gratuitous Photo-OP...
We have a bike path behind our yard and there a the perfect little hill. Just enough for crazy antics on bikes that are too small for you...I thought it was great... and Safety Simon (AKA Steve) was beside himself with visions of trauma and aircare helicopters...
Isn't this the best fun-face ever?!?
Here's to a great weekend...Be safe and be happy!
There is one (USA) cousin missing...Miss Kayla seems to be at the age to be avoiding cameras...we love you, too Kayla! Stop sneaking away from my camera!
OH WAIT!!! Here is miss Pretty, now!
Totally cute. I love it and wish my kids and their cousins were geographically closer.
Mollie, I've tagged you for a recipe meme if you want to do it. : )
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