Jack will be starting first grade in a few days. The first year of all day school. I could post about how sad I am going to be when he is gone, but quite frankly I JUST CAN'T wait! Of course I will miss him like crazy, but at this point we are bored silly with this non-summerlike-summer and it is in BOTH of our best interests that he start soon!
So on his first day of "all day" school I'll be sending some instructions for his teacher (May God bless you, lucky lady...)
1. I practiced my reading, sight words and numbers all summer. I was really good at it until my Mom turned lazy about July 20th.
2. I can't quite be bothered to color in the lines, but give me a pen and paper and I will draw you the intricate inner workings of an F-18 fighter jet, the Millenium Falcon or (FDNY)27 Truck.
3. Don't get too close to me when I am playing with cars, jets, firetrucks, etc. I tend to spit on people when I make shooting, zooming, spraying sounds. I blame it on the loose teeth. I mean no harm. Remind me I am spitting on people, please.
4. I have ants in my pants. Really. I do. Can't help it.
5. When I am tired and can't take anymore reading my eyes cross a little and I zone out a lot. My tongue also sticks out and my feet turn in (even more then usual) and I fall a lot.
6. I am having a hard time believing that I will like all day school. I'm gonna miss my Mom a lot, and she is gonna miss me more. I may need a hug but please remember that I'll be too embarrassed to ask.
7. Even when I am trying your patience, not listening or just being a brat, please remember that I am really trying hard to be good (most of the time, anyway...but in my defense, I AM a daydreamer from the old-school)
8. I may be 100% boy through and through, but I have a sensitive soul and a great big heart, so please take very good care of me, OK? My Mom doesn't trust me with just anyone...
Gorgeous. He sounds just like my son too!
What do you mean the first day of all day school? Has he had a whole year of half days until now (do you call it Kindy)?
As a teacher, I would totally appreciate a list like that! Truthfully :)
He'll do great. I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
Yeah, me too. As a teacher, I'd totally love that list. I think I may use this idea when I get a classroom in the future. I love him, by the way.
So sweet! I know he's gonna love it. He's such a big boy with a great big hear!
awwww! it's a big step! he will love it! what day does he stat??? Jude starts 2nd grade tomorrow..
in the big leagues with the OLDER kids.. arrrr!
Mollie, Jack is such a cutie! I love the list!!! How was his first day?
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