We really need to get some sort of loyal customer/ frequent flyer coupon for Children's Hospital Urgent Care center. Last weekend we were there (AGAIN!) for another head laceration. This one ended in 4 staples to his noggin (which has GOT to have some sort of brain damage at this point)And here is how it went down.
Steve took Jack to visit his new firehouse (new Chief job, post coming soon....)
It was their open house for National Fire Prevention Month. Steve thought he would stop in and introduce himself to some folks he hadn't yet met and brought "Action Jackson" along, too.
Jack found some new pals and they were chasing each other when one went under a gear rack, Jack followed and came up too soon. He came around the corner hand to his head and when he pulled his hand away it was full of blood and poor Jack nearly came unglued. Thankfully there were some paramedics there who stopped the bleeding quickly, so we just took him in the car to the Urgent Care.
We walked in and the lady asked if we had been there before, then looked at the computer and her eyes got really big and she said, "Oh! Never mind!" She told us to have a seat. Since it is flu season, anyone with respiratory symptoms are made to wear a mask. Jack took one look into the waiting room of all those masks and asked the lady, "uhhhh...we have to sit in there with all those SICK people?!???"
We found an empty spot by the front doors and waited 3 hours and finally saw the Dr. (it is always nice to read the badge of your health care provider and it says MOONLIGHTER...really?!?) but he was nice and efficient and didn't bat an eye when Jack told him he wanted "staples not stitches, please." He was a trooper and only flinched a little when they stapled him.
Thanks again, Childrens Hospital. Quality care, as always, but I hope we DON'T see you soon!
I'd love to know why he chooses staples. Poor guy. I hope he heals fast.
Yikes! I'm afraid this is what our future looks like. My boys falls down or runs into something every day! I hope he will be OK.
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