Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

I have copied this from my sweet blog-friend  Elizabeth
She said it better than I ever could and I hope she does't mind me being a copycat!

Today I remember those that have lost their lives to fight for what they believe in.

Today I remember those that have died fighting for the freedom for the generations to follow.

Today I remember those that have spent sleepless nights worrying about those away at war.

Today I remember that the freedom I know, and too often take for granted, is not the reality for everyone.

Today I remember that I am lucky to have the chance to snuggle and kiss my children whenever I want.

Today I remember that I am lucky to know my grandparents, with stories to share of war-times.

Today I remember that I am blessed beyond measure.

Today I remember that all over the world there are still those that are suffering injustice and mourning the losses of those they love.

Today I remember and I promise to help make the world a better place.

  Thanks, Liz! I don't thik anyone could have said it better...

1 comment:

Bloggy Mama said...

Awww, thanks, Mollie. I was bawling my eyes out, writing it. Thanks for spreading the love.