Hermit crabs are supposed to be hardy little pets, so we thought it would be a good pet for him. He was very excited to bring him home and was very dutiful about giving him food and water, although I may have seen Spideymanpegram chucked into a cup of water instead of the "gentle dipping" that you are supposed to provide a few times a week...and there was the fall from the bathroom sink (which he walked away from)...oh, and the run in with the cat..
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, yes...THE SMELL!!
So I went in the bathroom (where Spideymanpegram sleeps because crabs are nocturnal and noisy scraping around in their rocks) and thought to myself, "whew! Must have left a ripe pullup in here!"
Nope. Garbage can empty.
But there sat poor little Spideymanpegram on his sponge where we left him, um, 2 days ago. And he was officially DOA. I got the tweezers out and poked at him to be sure. And he fell out of his shell. Meanwhile Jack wandered into the bathroom and said, "MOOOOOM! It smells like stinky diapers in here!" I then had to tell him SMP was gone and we had to flush him.
Jack: MOOOOOOM! You can't just put God's animals in the potty. Me and Riley poop in there! Can we just make him a marker in the yard?
Me: "uhhhhh (thinking...it IS a little thing, no big shovel involved) OK, baby. You are right. Lets go out back and we will properly bury him."
Jack: Curled up on his bed crying.....Momentarily unavailable for comment...
"OH, COOL! Can I get daddy's BIG shovel?" (quick mourning period)
We opted for my little shovel and Jack scooped a little hole.
Jack gave a sweet little eulogy and then dropped SMP into his hole. The cat will most likely dig it up this evening. That thing is stinky!
Weird photo. It was swampy humid today...my camera fogged up.
Jack asked God to make sure Spidey went to a "nice room" because even if he pinched you he didn't mean it because that's how he protects himself. And he was a REALLY nice crab. (and maybe THAT's why my camera was foggy...sniff)
His grave marker is a hand crafted rain gauge (Thank you Lowe's saturday AM projects)and the funeral was also attended by the sister who decided it was "thsooo hot, can we juthst have popthichles?"
That's hilarious and sweet. RIP, Spideycrabpegram, I mean Spideymanpegram. Maybe his name overwhelmed him, and that's why he died.
LOL! How cute is that? Sorry his pet died, though.
So sad for the loss of SMP. Well said, Jack. Now on to more pets, right ;)
Jack was very specific when he named him. Spideymanpegram Crab. and Jack is already in negotiations to have him replaced...
I'm very upset and saddened by the loss of Spideyman. Jack and I had so much fun picking him out and I can't believe his time with us is already over. Guess we'll have to upgrade to a larger one next year and hope he is heartier! RIP Spideyman Pegram.
Did Riley wear the glasses to hide her tears and make-up smear??? RIP. Can't believe you got sucked into the hermit crabs in the crappy beach store. Did it come with a painted shell???
he was painted like spiderman and had glow in the dark eyes. hee hee! And I didnt get sucked in, Billy did....
I have tears in my eyes. From laughing! I seem to remember a bad track record with adopted small pets in your household....
Poor SpideymanPegram. This was the funniest story I have heard in a long time. I was laughing out loud when I realized that SPM was Jack's pet....a hermit crab he loved! :( So sorry for laughing. RIP Spideymanpegram crab!!!!
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